Online Classes

While Always Wanted To Write is no longer offering online classes directly to the public, Linda Lowen is an ongoing instructor via Zoom through the following writing programs.   

Micro Memoir Workshop via Writers in the Mountains

Want to write about your life but don’t know where to start? With this focused approach, you restrict the frame of storytelling, and what comes out is sharp, focused, and startling. You’ll be amazed at how little it takes to write well — just 200 words or less. In the final two weeks, you’ll write a Tiny Love Story (100 words) and get guidance on how to submit it to the New York Times column of the same name. The six-week Micro Memoir/Tiny Love Stories workshop is offered exclusively through Writers in the Mountains, a Catskill-based regional writing program.   LEARN MORE

Creative Nonfiction and Cross-Genre Workshops at the YMCA DWC

The YMCA Downtown Writer’s Center in Syracuse, NY, is one of the country’s leading YMCA-based regional writing centers. Classes with Linda Lowen and other writing instructors are offered in the fall, winter, spring and summer. Linda’s instructional focus at the DWC is on plot, structure, and the craft of storytelling in both nonfiction and fiction.   LEARN MORE

Generative Workshops – Writing Prompts Classes at Oasis

Writers of all ages and skill levels are welcome at Oasis Lifelong Learning in East Syracuse, NY. In Winter and Spring 2022, Linda offers her popular writing prompts group in six-week sessions. Look for the workshop “Fast and Furious: Prompts to Fuel Your Creative Writing.” Challenge your creativity with timed prompts; choose from different themes and write four pieces each week in this two-hour writing workshop with the opportunity to share your work.  LEARN MORE

Active Writers Collective – Writing Critique Groups (by invitation only)

You are the company you keep. The surest way to improve as a writer is to prioritize your writing practice and regularly meet with a critique group that gives you specific, targeted, meaningful feedback. AWC — the Active Writers Collective — is by invitation only. Participants are students who’ve taken several workshops with Linda and have one of two goals: to submit short-form work for publication, or complete/revisit long-form writing such as a novel or memoir. The process is literary matchmaking: participants must play well with others; accept that critique is about care, not competition; and be open-minded. Those who thrive understand that a rising tide lifts all writers. If invited, you’ll join a waiting list for placement in a suitable group that best meets your needs and that you’ll be compatible with. Placements may take up to six months or longer for the right match. No direct inquiries, please. Sign up for a class through one of the programs above; if you like Linda’s teaching style and have completed at minimum of 2-3 workshops with her, that’s how you indicate your interest.